The latest trend in interior design and architecture

The latest trend in interior design and architecture is here. Vertical gardens with realistic artificial plants. With the best quality that artificial green wall panels can have, it is probably the ideal choice for creating a modern artificial vertical garden for your home, office, business and shop. The quality of these products is our priority. The foliage and the design has been done in such a way that not only the density ensures a completely green wall but also visually as close as possible to the real one. And the highlight is that the same will apply for many years after installation.

Realistic Artificial walls

The installation

The installation can be done on surfaces with cement, plasterboard and wood. The specific species of vertical garden can be placed outdoors but certainly indoors and shaded space their lifespan will be for more years.


on cement


on wood


on plasterboard

Realistic Artificial walls - Advantages

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In case that after certain period of time you would like to uninstall the green wall this is possible. And not only is possible but you can re-install it in a different spot indoor or outdoor. You will only have to pay a small labor cost and that’s it. Yes indeed. A moving green wall that does not destroy.

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With our realistic artificial leaves and plants, you can change the design and the colors of your green wall whenever you wish. Simple as that. You can add or remove leaves and plants whenever you wish easily.

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Artificial green walls need no maintenance. Apart from the initial cost you will never need extra money for maintenance.

Cleaning from dust

Our panels are covered with a static film which repels dust. But in the little dust that can be attracted very easily with a blower or sanding wings you will not have any problem.

Our Projects

Realistic Artificial Walls: 1
Realistic Artificial Walls: 2
Realistic Artificial Walls: 3
Realistic Artificial Walls: 4
Realistic Artificial Walls: 5
Realistic Artificial Walls: 6
Realistic Artificial Walls: 7
Realistic Artificial Walls: 8
Realistic Artificial Walls: 9
Realistic Artificial Walls: 10

Solutions for every business and home owner!

For hotels

For hotels

For shops and market places

For shops and market places

For universities and private schools

For universities and private schools

For homes and cottages

For homes and cottages

For coffee shops and restaurants

For coffee shops and restaurants

For free consultation of your space

Book your appointment